Top story in Sportscience News is the surprising
outcome of a survey by David Martin and colleagues on what top
cyclists drink in competition. Always Coca-Cola? If not, at least
it's the favorite. Don't miss Coca-Cola
Preferred by Top Endurance Cyclists.
John Hawley is back with a super Train Gain column separating myths from facts on supplemental strength training programs. Louise Burke, our CompEater, investigates plausible reasons for differences in body fat between swimmers and other athletes.
Read up on the contributions of Edward Smith in another great History Maker column from Frank Katch. Smith was obsessed with the social condition of prisoners so he devised a face mask to measure carbon dioxide production and prove his point. His apparatus became the forerunner of many more experiments that used closed circuit spirometry to get at energy balance questions. A social reformer who used the tools of physiologists to make his points, Smith helped show that protein was not the main source of energy.
Ken Daley's done it again! A huge newsletter with a review on software for the kinesiologist/coach that enhances a person's ability to analyze discrete sports actions by viewing multiple sport videos at one time. Other bits and pieces including educator questions on computer use, Fitnessgram testing, top fitness sites; you'll never know what you might find of interest.
We don't yet have enough
people on the team to support mounting the encyclopedia and a journal
simultaneously. We hope to push development of the journal after the
encyclopedia is operational.
Research Resources, Will
Hopkins adds something new to
A New View of
Statistics for each issue of Sportscience News. This time Will
has devised a way to analyze
crossovers: experiments with two or more treatments in which
subjects act as their own controls. His analyses adjust for learning
effects to ensure you get acceptable confidence intervals for your
outcomes with one quarter the number of subjects needed for a
fully controlled design. You won't want to miss this! It's important
for all researchers, not just the stats people. We've got to get our
designs right!
We're still in progress
on our next article for these pages. If you haven't had a chance to
read the most recent review in training & technology on sodium
bicarbonate buffering, check
it out.
Still working on getting the search engine operating
smoothly for Search this Site. Thought we almost had it but more
problems appeared at the last minute.
We're delighted to have
Rennie join us as a biochemist on our advisory board. We also
Gill as one of our webmasters. See how they fit in with the rest
of the team on the
Contact Us
page. My special thanks to the webmasters, especially Jason Nugent,
Giannis Giakas and Stephen Goodlass, for their responsiveness in
moving this issue along. Couldn't have done it without them and the
cooperation of our regular columnists, Louise Burke, Ken Daley, John
Hawley, Frank Katch. Thanks to everyone on the team, and especially
Will Hopkins for challenging all of us, relentlessly at times, to go
the extra step that makes the difference between crossing the finish
line or bringing home a medal.